Case Study

Multi-generational family wealth

About the Client

The Rosewood Family is comprised of first-generation matriarch and patriarch, two adult children (second generation) and multiple grandchildren (third generation). Wealth has been accumulated through a very successful privately-held business in which they are the sole owners. As part of their succession planning, they are evaluating a full or partial sale to effect their exit from the business. The first generation has shifted focus toward philanthropic endeavors and leaving a legacy for their children, grandchildren and causes they care deeply about. 

They have multiple residences and depend upon household staff. All family members are frequent travelers, and as a matter of convenience, they are weighing the decision to buy or lease a private aircraft. From an investment standpoint, they take a long-term view and hold multiple private investments.

Common Challenges & Goals

The Rosewoods are looking for a dedicated team to implement and execute financial advice. They are seeking differentiated investment ideas to enhance returns in the portfolio. Although they have a team of advisors, each is acting separately, and they don’t have a trusted advisor to coordinate and implement all aspects of their financial lives. There is a desire to have the children more involved in the family’s financial decisions and educated on all affairs.

Potential Solutions