Where is your financial journey leading you?

All wealth has purpose, but fulfilling its purpose in your life can be a road full of twists and turns. The team at Graypoint can help. Our knowledgeable, experienced advisors will work with you to create a roadmap to your financial objectives, large or small. Once we have charted a path, we will navigate with you, providing insights gleaned from decades guiding individuals, families, and institutions to their ideal financial destinations. Graypoint is Where Wealth Meets Purpose—your purpose.


About Us

Solutions that power success

Here, warm, personal service is the hallmark of our family relationships, and your financial success is always top-of-mind. Graypoint LLC was formed in July 2019 by merging Bender Lane Advisory, LLC and Hugh Johnson Advisors, LLC. Together, our firms have more than 40 years of experience providing financial advisory and investment management services tailored to the unique objectives of families, individuals, and nonprofit organizations.

Our Services

Making your wealth work harder

Whether you are looking to grow your wealth or need help managing your current assets, our team has the expertise and experience needed to maximize every financial move you make.

Family Office

We are a multi-family office, one that can support your family in all of its financial needs, from the most sophisticated to the administrative. Our expertise includes managing your wealth, estate and income tax planning, family education, philanthropy, cash flow planning, and risk management. In addition to designing plans, we are a sounding board for ideas and a trusted confidant. Your family will gain an engaged advisor with deep resources and a passion to serve you.

Financial Planning

For clients who do not have a need for Family Office services, we combine comprehensive financial planning advice with investment management and reporting. Our advice will typically involve cash flow, estate, and income tax planning to ensure that essential tasks are addressed.

Investment Management

We apply our long history of investment experience to help you define the purpose of your wealth. Once that purpose has been defined, we will design and implement a personalized investment plan to achieve it. We continuously monitor your portfolio so we can make adjustments based on financial markets and changes in family circumstances or objectives. We also employ an open architecture approach to investment selection, ensuring independent, objective advice.

Nonprofits & Institutions

Through our Hugh Johnson Advisors division, we provide investment management services tailored to your unique circumstances to meet the financial goals and objectives of your organization. We also provide counsel and education to our nonprofit organizations regarding regulatory and fiduciary requirements. In addition, we assist in the drafting of comprehensive and compliant investment and spending policies.

Our Team

Dedicated to your financial future

Financial success grows out of successful relationships. At Graypoint, we believe those relationships are built with exceptional client service and collaboration. Meet our team of thinkers and problem solvers.

Meet Our Team

For information or a consultation

email info@graypointllc.com or call 518.641.6860